UConn Football vs. UCF
UConn Football vs. UCF
DateOct 22, 2016
Event Starts12:00 PM
On SaleOn Sale Now
Event Details
Parking Lots (Tag Holders): 7:00am
Parking Lots (General): 8:00am
Box Office: 9:00am
Stadium Gates: 10:30am
Bag Policy for UCONN Athletic Events
All bags are subject to search upon entry and are subject to additional searches within the arena.
Backpacks or oversized bags are not permitted. Purses/tote bags that are smaller than 12” x 12” x 6” will be permitted. Diaper bags are permitted in the company of a small child. Bags carrying medical needs will also be permitted and are subject to search by venue personnel. Bags for equipment and computers for those working the event, such as media, photographers, etc. are permitted and are subject to search upon entry into the venue. Guests are encouraged to return unauthorized items to their vehicles. Venues cannot safeguard items which are not permitted into the arena. Violators of the rules will be refused admission and asked to leave. This policy is in effect for all guests. For more information, please click HERE.